C S: An application to purchase a cell phone warranty plan.

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Purpose: An online option to purchase a cell phone warranty plan.

Challenges: How to incorporate a wide range of brands, models, configurations, and carriers.

Background: The application needed to gather a variety of information including the phone number and device color. Upon reviewing the provided product information, I made the decision to filter the options, step by step, instead of providing multiple choices.

UI: The entire project included work on the brand look and feel, a logo design, and the actual application.

Team: From inception to completion, I managed and performed the work for this project including the creation of the brand image, the UX/UI design, and the coding for the user interface. An additional programmer built the application.

Technology: I used Codeigniter PHP framework and coded the UI with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. The application was coded by the programmer using AngularJS.

© Nancy Bautista